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QME Buzz: Upcoming Changes in QME Regulations

Feb 24, 2024

Educational Updates for QMEs on the Horizon!

The world of Qualified Medical Evaluators (QME) is about to experience some significant updates. Starting April 1, 2026, the bar for continuing education is being raised. QMEs applying for reappointment will need to complete 16 hours of targeted continuing education, a step up from the current 12-hour requirement. These hours must span specific categories, detailed on our "Course Library" page for easy reference.

Enhanced Disability Evaluation Report Writing Course

A notable change is the revamping of the Disability Evaluation Report Writing Course requirements for new QMEs. The course will now include newly mandated elements, ensuring that at least 6 of the 16-hour curriculum (previously 12 hours) are delivered live, whether virtually or in-person. At TeachCE Inc., we've been proactive in adapting our offerings to meet these new standards, ensuring you will be fully equipped to navigate these changes.

Anticipated Implementation

We expect these changes to officially take effect in April 2024, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to excellence and professional development in the QME community.

Act Now to Stay Ahead

For those QMEs whose recertification continuing education hours are due in April 2024, there's a golden opportunity: submit your CE certificate of completion from us, along with your application for recertification to the DWC before April 1, and you'll bypass the new requirement to submit your two most recent QME/MMI reports for audit. This loophole closes once the new regulations are in place, so acting swiftly could save you a step in your renewal process this year.

For a closer look at the proposed regulations visit link below:

Stay Informed, Stay Ahead

As always, we at TeachCE Inc. are here to support you through these changes. Our updated courses are designed not only to meet the new requirements but to enrich your professional QME practice in meaningful ways.